
Written communication has been the center of civilization for centuries. Most of our important records are on paper. Although writing has been around for a long time, paper hasn't.
In fact, putting thoughts down in written form wasn't always easy or practical. Early people discovered that they could make simple drawings on the walls of caves, which was a great place for recording thoughts, but wasn't portable.
Imagine spending hours scratching a message into a heavy clay tablet and then having to transport it. That's exactly what the Sumerians did around 4000 B.C. Although this form of written communication was now portable, it still wasn't practical because of its weight.
For centuries, people tried to discover better surfaces on which to record their thoughts. Almost everything imaginable was tried. Wood, stone, ceramics, cloth, bark, metal, silk, bamboo, and tree leaves were all used as a writing surface at one time or another.
The word "paper" is derived from the word "papyrus," which was a plant found in
No major changes in writing materials were to come for about 3,000 years. The person credited with inventing paper is a Chinese man named Ts'ai Lun. He took the inner bark of a mulberry tree and bamboo fibers, mixed them with water, and pounded them with a wooden tool. He then poured this mixture onto a flat piece of coarsely woven cloth and let the water drain through, leaving only the fibers on the cloth. Once dry, Ts'ai Lun discovered that he had created a quality writing surface that was relatively easy to make and lightweight. This knowledge of papermaking was used in
By the 10th century, Arabians were substituting linen fibers for wood and bamboo, creating a finer sheet of paper. Although paper was of fairly high quality now, the only way to reproduce written work was by hand, a painstaking process.
By the 12th century, papermaking reached
Can you imagine how many trees has to cut down in order to just give us something to write , my idea is in the near future instead of carrying a lot of papers and documents around , we should implement in the system that all documented things are to be put in USB flash drive (pen drive) and it would be easier to carry around , so what do you think of my idea , would it be practical in the near future ?
Please Comment Thank You.
This is a very well done topic to talk about. With the global warming, that is not getting anywhere better; I would say that paperless environment is a good environment to live in. Nevertheless, let us be realistic, to change people is not easy. Some people still cannot afford to buy a laptop to bring to class and with that, they do need papers to refer too. People do not own a PDA where they can store immediate informations. Whatever said and done, living in the current environment, people can minimise the usage of papers but it is rather impossible to eliminate totally the usage of papers
To totally change usage of paper become USB flash drive is a little bit hard because although these day already modern and technology so advanced but certain people still do not know how to use technology. We only can minimize the usage of paper, such as these day people trying to minimize using plastic bag especially in big supermarket and they change with reusable bag. Singapore is one of the countries which already practice it. Maybe we can find other alternative to change usage of paper become USB flash drive which cheaper for everybody even who life in low class?
A great reminder of just where technology, especially in relation to writing and communication, has come from and where we are now.
Of course, we are still on the 'journey'. What will be the next development?
Save the tree. This is what i heard when i first come to my college. Everyone is trying to reduce the usage of papers. Collegue now all using laptop and PDA to do their paper works. But, there are still some colleges that did not practice it. For example, i know a college that ask their students to pass up two copy of their assignment instead of only pass up one paper assignment and one softcopy of it. Imagine how many paper that have been wasted?
Yes why not ;). As all of us have seen the lots of substitutes introduced through the markets. For instance the green cars that are consuming Hydrogen and disseminating water instead of Monoxide Carbone are the evidence of the substitute method to keep the earth clean and green. The controversial part is that, whether the governments may subsidies and give incentives to the companies to produce the green system? Whether the countries that their major income is sourced by timber are allowing the nations to substitute or what? All the things are just related to the politics. Let’s see what our faith is!!!! ,
You have to understand that there is a cost to everything. If we stop using paper, we would use the USB as you suggest, and that still have its enviromental impact.Let's be big boys and acknowlege that a paperless enviroment is almost IMPOSSIBLE. Big contarcts must be signed, and that using a paper,and every other major action requires at least some paper work. What is needed is limiting paper work, and increase the use of recycable materials.
paper is great invention for the whole world
becuase after we have paper we can write the knowledge and exprience
and after have paper our knowledge can be recording.I am chinese and i am very honoured for chinese.
Hope bro your dream comes true but its quite impossible.yes sometimes we are using the USB but we cant use it in all factor. Personally i also like peperless enviroment.
If we can make the enviroment without peper after that no need to write any thing in exam.Its good man.Any way just kidding.
Any way i am agree with bluesky . that peper is the great invention of science.without peper we can explain our experinse.
Nice thinkiging about all the invention keep it up bro.
Yes…! Man I agree with your statement but it’s not easy to flow in real world. Because no matter how technology is improving how different kinds of computers are coming to use we can’t serve our life without paper. Let me tell you something in a very easily when you are studying in a kindergarten you won’t know how to use computers or other electronic items so you must use paper Book to learn then when you learned the basic items about electronic then you can use less paper. But even if the technology improves more then everything we still need paper no one can avoid it.
Thanks for all the comment my friends but i still believe this idea can make it , it may take a while and there a lot of work to be done , but nothing is impossible in fact some firms and hospitals are doing it right now , its not been perfected yet and its still a working progress but think about if this idea could be applicable countless of trees would be save and little by little help the world not to plunge in deep global warming crisis !
Eric i beg to differ with your comment , nothing is impossible , there is no such thing as a good or bad ideas all of them are ideas and we need to open up to all possible ideas and innovations , you of all people should know that nothing is impossible , in America 10 years ago nobody would have thought that the country would have a black president as their president and now look in the present right now America has its first black president so nothing is impossible if you really believe in it !
well my friend Anuar, am with you for a better world. Nothing is impossible and by the way possible is found in the impossible. so it can be possible.
Cutting down the use of paper has many good effect such as decrease pollutin, save animals homes, decrease global warming etc.
yes its true not all people can afford electronic things but there will come a time most people will be able to afford it, am not saying the latest invented but the old ones which will also decrease the use of papers.
Papers cannot be totally eradicated we still need to use it in some areas.
Hey Anuar, great article, moving towards paperless environment is indeed a must. to support your idea I have came up with the following domino-effect equations...
1 ton of papers = 24 trees = less trees = less oxygen = global warming = melt down of the arctic ice-bergs = massive waves blankets the world = the end of the world!!!
Paperless environment = internal efficiency = no papers = saving trees = more trees = more oxygen = healthier environment = prolonging the deadline of the apocalypses
So what do you say now??? Paperless environ or not???
Nice topic Anuar!Well,now I realized that I really did take paper for granted.I used a lots of paper in my daily life and even wasted a lots of it too!Well,I would agree with you to reduce using paper,we should implement a system that all documented things are to be put in USB flash drive (pen drive) and it would be easier to carry around BUT today, this system already implemented.However,I would agree with Ee Lynn, that people can minimize the usage of papers but it is impossible to eliminate totally because in today's organizations and government,they are still keeping important documents in PAPERS.This would give them confident that they won't loose the document rather that the using USB Flash drive that may effected by VIRUSES!!
Of course everyone would choose PAPERLESS Environment Murphy but we can't eliminate papers totally.We still need it for our examinations,OUR Education CERTIFICATE and our personal records.
We all have been using paper for as long as we can remember, starting when we were little kids drawing and scribbling trees and houses on sheets of paper until now that we have become adults and use paper for an endless variety of purposes in work and at home.
Even though we know that paper is an important part of our lives, we may not be aware that our careless usage of paper contributes to the accumulation of landfill in the country. Not only has that, but production of paper cost more and more of the lives of trees, which are an essential part of the environment.
Anuar I agree with your idea that we should use less paper to save trees but to replacing paper with pen drive (flash drive) doesn’t seems to be good idea. Like what Elynn said, what happens to those who do not have laptop, how can store their information in flash drive also referring to Eric’s comment that Big contracts must be signed, and that using a paper, and every other major action requires at least some paper work. However to help you save trees through paper recycling, reducing and reusing, here are some pointers to remember.
At Home
• Do not throw away boxes; reuse them as containers for different things. It is a good idea to wrap your boxes with used plastic covers to make them last a longer time.
• Encourage family members to always use both sides of the paper so that it will not be wasted.
• When writing memos or notes, make use of a pencil so that if you make a mistake you can just erase it and reuse the paper.
• Collect old newspapers, office papers and magazines from neighbors and start a paper drive. Old newspapers and office papers can go into the recycling centers in your neighborhood while old magazines can be donated to clinics and establishments with waiting areas.
• Donate your old books or your children's to schools and libraries.
• Buy recycled paper products and close the recycling loop.
• Make recycling easier for everyone by placing recycling bins in strategic locations in the house.
• Delegate tasks on recycling duties so that everyone gets their fair share of workload.
• Make games out of the recycling program so that it will be more exciting for family members to participate in it.
In School
• Educate children about the importance of paper recycling.
• Let your kids bring home paper they used in school instead of throwing them into the trash.
• Encourage kids to always draw or write on both sides of the paper.
• Request schools in your vicinity to start their own recycling programs.
At the Workplace
• Request the company to provide recycling bins.
• Talk to the management about giving incentives to employees who participate well in reduction of paper use. The company will be more than happy to oblige with that since you will show them that this will greatly cut down the company's expenses on paper.
• Promote the use of interoffice emails instead of paper memos.
• Use printers and copiers that have the option to print and copy on both sides.
• Encourage staff or co-workers to participate in the recycling program.
Trees serve as a habitat for many animals in the wildlife. Trees give us shade, fresh air and prevent floods by absorbing water through its roots. The priceless benefits offered by these wonderful gifts of nature are endless. This is why it is very important that we do our share in reducing the use of paper, reusing old and used paper and recycle paper whenever it is possible.
Article source:-http://ezinearticles.com/?Recycle-Paper,-Save-Trees&id=1544526
I don’t know in future your idea will be appreciate or not but i can say invention of paper is one of the greatest invent by the human. We all now want to do paperless work but we can’t ignore paper works. Remember those days when we started writing and we all used paper for that. Our books and writing paper can be electronics in future but for exams and official works it won’t be easy to do without paper. As you said for made paper we have to cut down lot of tress but don’t you think we are cutting down more tress to build our houses and furniture’s?By the way nice topic to discuss...
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